Hurricane flood and wind damage tornado storm felled trees flooding

Top Things To Consider When Dealing With Tree Damage and things to look out for.


You may not realize it, but trees can be dangerous. Whether it be in your yard, a park, or a public place, trees can cause damage to your property, and more importantly, you and your family.

This is especially true during a storm when the wind and rain can cause tree branches and limbs to break off and fall onto structures or people.

Here are the top things you should consider when dealing with tree damage:

  1. Have an emergency plan in place. Make sure that your family knows what to do if a tree falls on your home or other structure. If you’re outside enjoying a walk in the park or picnic at a local community garden and a tree starts to fall down, make sure that everyone knows where to go for safety.
  2. Don’t attempt to remove the tree yourself unless it is safe for you to do so. If there is no danger of further damage from removing the tree (i.e., if all the branches have already fallen off), then it is probably okay for you to call someone else for help instead of trying yourself because this could cause injury or death if done improperly!
  3. Don’t try removing any large branches or limbs from the ground by hand without wearing gloves as they may contain insects or sharp branches.

Know the cause of tree damage

Knowing what caused damage to a tree is important information and can help determine how to treat it. Trees can be damaged in many ways:

  • Lightning strikes
  • Wind
  • Snow and ice storms
  • Heavy rains
  • Flooding
  • Fire
  • Construction injuries
  • Animal or insect attacks
  1. If a tree is cracked, split or uprooted, call an arborist right away to assess the situation. Do not attempt to climb the tree or try to move it yourself.
  2. After storm damage, broken branches or sharp objects should be removed from the ground within 24 hours as they could cause injury or property damage. You should also inspect your trees for visible signs of damage and remove broken branches that are hanging dangerously high above the ground. If you have children, be sure to talk with them about staying away from damaged trees and any debris that may have fallen on your property during a storm.
  3. Scratches, cuts and wounds are the most common form of tree damage seen after a storm. These injuries make it more difficult for trees to fight off disease and can also open them up to insect attack by creating entry points into their bark layer where pests like termites live
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